Aries will face challenges in the career from January to April. During this time you will be required to think logically to gain reputation and appraisals. However, generally this year brings you chances of promotion and developments in your career and you will get financial benefits by way of expanding your business or a raise in your salaries. For the Arians working as professionals like doctors or actors, this year will bring huge success and recognition. In April and May you will have a lot of energy and some of you will surprise others with the discoveries and bright ideas. Regarding your health, you can easily gain weight this year, therefore watch what you eat and take plenty of exercise. Regarding love life, this year you have to get over the fears in relationship and if you already are in a relationship, it makes sense to get married this year, it will be impact of Jupiter and Saturn, due to which you will support your partner’s decision.

2011 will be a successful year for Taurus. Some of you may even get an unexpected promotion. For that, it is advisable that you keep on working with the complete devotion, because your horoscope says that from May to August you will feel the urge to sit and relax rather than work, and it might be harmful for your professional growth. You may see some downturn in their love life. You will not be able to make compromises with your partner and it can lead into tension between two of you. The first quarter of 2011 you might discover that your partner is becoming more rational than passionate, and therefore the middle of the year will be somewhat experimental for you and your partner and if you face all the challenges, your love life will become smooth by the end of the year. During the latter half of the year some health problems may occur. You should focus on diets otherwise you may get troubles by small illnesses and it may