Depression is primarily caused by the imbalance of the serotonin-melatonin hormones. Melatonin is produced in the brain by a lack of light, the presence of this hormone will reduce body temperature, make you sleepy and cause depression. There are number of options to help mitigate these symptoms.

Light Therapy
If possible, allow more natural light in your home. The later you pull the curtains or lower the blinds the better for your health. It would help if you can stay outdoors, in parks, in gardens, under the sky for as long as possible and just go inside at sunset. Full spectrum light is one of the Light therapies that could replace the natural light in our home. It is enough to use 1-2 hours daily while we are doing our household activities.
Healing with Colours
The colours of nature are such warm and earthy shades in Autumn. In this season you can still keep up your well-being by using pale, reddish, yellowish and brownish tones in your immediate environment. Let the colours of the earth dominate indoors or even with your clothes. Bring as many natural treasures, such as chestnuts, acorns, cones and colourful leaves into your home.