The early Egyptians also used thyme in mummification. Thyme was a very popular herb during the days of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Thyme is used in Healing Ceremonys and in Spells for protection and curse removal.
It is said women who wear or carry Thyme are irresistible to men, and carrying sprigs in your pocket aids in developing your psychic abilities.
Thyme is said to strengthen the will, give courage and promote confidence.
Thyme is perfect for enhancing the flavour of olive oil, butter, vinegar, meats, poultry, fish, soups and stews.
Thyme is good to put on cuts andused to cure colds and flus.
Thyme assured the passage of the deceased into the afterlife.
In mythical folklore, Thyme flowers were full of perfume and nectar for the bees, traditionally the messengers of the fairy world also said that Thyme was a herb used in Fairymagic to magically create fairydust.