In North and Central America, there were nearly 400 Indian tribes. Each with its own culture and language. Their rituals, customs and symbols were different, but what they had in common was that they followed the laws of nature and they believed that each animal has magical powers. This goes back to the Stone Age beliefs in a totem animal. Cave drawings demonstrate that Native Americans trusted their powers over twenty-five thousand years ago. Totem animals were considered to have accompanied and protected people throughout their lives.

A totem animal is like a spiritual leader
A totem animal - or in other words a ‘power animal’ - can be thought of like a spiritual leader who can contact you in different ways. Through meditation or in our dreams they can talk to us. We can ask them questions and they give us answers. They help us as a spirit, as an ally to us. They can lead us to energy blocks and help us to understand, resolve and transform them.
How can we find our own totem animal?
A person can have more than one power animal, but the strongest intuition tells you which animal is in closest contact with the soul and which is closest to us.

The following questions will help you to guess your own totem animal :
Which animal comes to your mind first?
Which animals have you always liked the best?
Which animals have you received as a gift, as a stuffed toy animal or as a real animal?
Which animals have I feared since my childhood? While odd, it is important to ask which we fear the most because it is a force that should be integrated into our lives so that it cannot be used against us, so it cannot hurt us. Those animals that we are afraid of call us to face them and overcome our fears.
Have you ever been bitten or attacked by an animal? The shamans believe that at that point we are selected by the animal an