Ace of Wands
The source of energy, enthusiasm, the initiative to start, movement, and the primary source of growth, there is so much power in the true colour of the Wands. Its message is about fresh ideas and impulses being ready to break up to the surface.The Ace of Wands is the symbol of a fertile life in the strictest sense, and - from time's perspective – it can also the symbol of summer.

2 of Wands
While the Ace only corresponds with the thinking phase, this card is in the context of the period of implementation. It is the time of targets, new facilities, consideration, the next step, planning, evaluation and decision making. It is time for us to deal with internal conflicts and tensions. The situation will be improved, and there will be no lack of courage to move on with our journey.
3 of Wands
The inspiration that the Ace gave us, and the motion that the 2 of Wands gave us are now united in the 3 of Wands, so both optimism and ambition are key elements of this card. It can refer to creative ideas and the birth of fertile thought, but it may also mean a new career or just the beginning of a new life as well. It can also tell us to be satisfied with what we have achieved, and to thoroughly prepare for our next step.
4 of Wands.
Happiness, success and celebration are the rewards for a job well done, we can breathe again after a busy and strenuous period! The number 4 of this card provides the basis for what we will be able to build in the future. The card's message is that life has a lot of new opportunities for us to penetrate our personality and to realise one’s self.