The moon has been respected by people since ancient times. They gave a human face to it, which shows that human beings always have to identify themselves with what is believed to be divine. The moon is the symbol of transformation, and here the wolf and the dog are barking at the moon (change means subconscious thoughts, suppressed emotions). But you can achieve transformation only by conscious attention and presence. This is the essence of the life changing capabilities. The dog and the wolf on the card are the symbols of our capabilities, which help us to do wonderful and magical things. The animals are standing next to each other, which shows how important the continual connection with our intuitions is.
The moon and the winding road represent that life has growth, improvement and sometimes loss for everybody. Be grateful, just remember the wheel of fortune, where the road leads to an upward spiral which never turns back to where it started. Our life is free, while we are constantly protected by the towers and the animals, as we can see on the card. Look deeply into your heart and thoughts in order to be able to see the truth! The transforming moon is able to radiate sometimes more, sometimes less light, in the same way happiness and sadness alternate in our life. We have to clean our karmic chakras and get over past pains and losses - we have to leave behind the dark side of our life! The towers are opening doors into another world. We can be lost in the thick darkness hiding behind doors or find our way towards the light!
The moon reflects our mental and spiritual transformations, which originate from our life experiences. This card symbolises the intuition, uncertainty and lost illusions. It could also represent sadness, disappointment or even hopelessness. It can predict further physical difficulties, sickness or emotional change and high vulnerability.
Face your fears, or at least keep them under control and try to remain co